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About lukescotty

  • Birthday 08/03/1979

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  1. In what sense Torres? people want to achieve certain scores for different reasons.... most likely to achieve the most points by getting 9's For the Thread I did Ielts x 2 and Pte x 1 If you are a native english speaker, go for PTE... if youre not go for Ielts... PTE is pretty fast paced and if you have to re-read questions, you probably won't have time.
  2. Hey, wondering if anyone could advise I need a Spanish Police check I went online, filled out the 790, paid the fee and sent it all along with a JP signed copy of my passport to Madrid Got an email back saying the copy of my passport isn't valid?? I did it this way 6 ish years ago and it was fine Anyone know how to do this other than a trip to Sydney?? Thanks in Advanced
  3. thank you very much the replies guys! I think hes going to try the MRT route tomorrow.... yep he was on a bridging visa, I got it wrong with the extension thing as it doesnt exist like you said Thanks again everyone
  4. Hello I'm not completely sure what the full story is. But basically my friend didn't know that his 457 visa extension had been refused due to his Agent doing a runner with his money and closing shop. He's found out today that it was refused on the 29th of September and now has 8 days to leave ( 28 days ) Hes been to DIBP in Brisbane and explained his situation and their response is you need to leave before the stated date.... which is fair enough (in their eyes). Only problem is, is he is still waiting for his passport to come.... Does anyone know whether there is any leeway due to the agent going walkies? or with the waiting of passport or what happens if he still doesn't receive his passport in time.... what can he do in order to not overstay and have a possible Ban on returning to australia in the future. Any kind of advice would be much appreciated! Kind Regards Luke
  5. am guessing this is for a WHV as its posted in the backpacking thread... quick answer is no. Even if it was for a Pr189 visa, the answer would be no too.
  6. Hi Chris I'm pretty sure you're going to have to leave the country once your WHV is up, and apply for a Tourist Visa offshore. the 600 visa is for "Visitor visa extension​" inwhich the WHV isn't a visitor visa. the 651 requirments state :"Requirements You might be able to get an eVisitor if you are: outside Australia a passport holder of a certain country." there again, you have to apply offshore. :: Logically I don't think australia would allow people to get a tourist visa onshore straight after a WHV, because people very likely to work cash in hand. that said. If you finish you're working holiday visa... you leave the country to eg New zealand... then apply for a tourist visa and come straight back. You might be questioned in regards to how much savings you have to travel. If its questionable they may think you have a job which you'll work at cash in hand. I've heard a few people trying this and getting caught out. Hopefully one of the arm chair experts might be able to clarify this:
  7. don't forget that they're valid for one year to enter the country, after that, you have to re apply/pay again.
  8. i'm sure it'll have automatically been validated. plus you'll have an entry date stamp in your passport, which you could scan in, email to yourself for back up, for proof in case you loose your passport (to prove entry date)... but i'm sure it will have been fine. Wondering whether Vevo shows this....
  9. @Matthew Molder - if you go down the route of getting a WHV, don't forget that you could do your 3 months farming work even though your 30, as long has you apply before your 31st birthday, you can get yourself a 2nd year. A lot of people have this misconception that when you hit 30 that you cant get one.... alot of these non gov via info websites say "between 18 and 30" "Requirements You might be able to get this visa if you: are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age don't have a dependent child with you at any time during your stay in Australia have a passport from:" https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/417-
  10. I've read it that much that I've confused myself reading it. i'm guessing..... I'll not be allow to leave the country for more than 2 months (or whatever is remaining) in the next 2 years? .....if i want to apply for Citizenship in 2 years
  11. trust @Bungo ! given me lots of advice in the past and has always been right. I've been on a WHV for 2 years, then 10 months back in England. Visa's been granted recently... fly next week... question is, will I be able to count those 2 years.... in 2 years time?
  12. Make sure you tick the box, that says something like. Tax for resident purposes otherwise you'll get taxed heaps (when obtaining a TFN ( tax file number )) When the financial year ends, log into Mygov, link your ATO account... file a tax return online. Its an easy to follow system.
  13. Stay away from Bin's (tomatos, citrus) kind of jobs, they are very hard work. and you will prob be working, $20 per filled bin, but might take you an hour n half to fill. Check out http://seasonalfoodguide.com/australia-general-seasonal-fresh-produce-guide-fruits-vegetables-in-season-availability.html this is will give you an idea of how long fruits... fruit for... ie job durations Do bananas in tully or innisfail. Men go out Humping, stringing, spading, bagging whilst women stay in the shed packing or de leafing in the paddocks It is hard work for the guys, but u get used to it. Bananas can weigh up to 80kg+ but... I found it fun Theres prob about 8 - 10 different farm owners in Tully, not too sure in Innisfail. Theres a caravan pack there, full of mostly backpackers, 2 hostels in the the road. everything walking distance. Sometimes the hostel or caravan park will get you a job, but sometime you have to hit the street, when they're picking other workers up, to asked them if theres any work. Get your farming done straight away if you're looking to do 2 years. It'll feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
  14. what kind of picking jobs are you looking at ? I can give you a bit of advice on that too
  15. yeah correct, the 88day rule only applies when working for more than one company, its best to work your a** off anyway, get as much savings + protect yourself incase you have to move jobs. its a bit of a 50 50 of whether they'll have 3 months work for you, I'd say i was lucky.... but it was everyday people was leaving or getting sacked, or having no fruit to pick. Floods happen alot in the north like Tully and can be 2 m under water for a week.
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